Xacta Training

Telos® offers training for professionals responsible for conducting a complete and meaningful security risk assessment program using the automated features of our Xacta® product suite. Our training programs help our customers develop an understanding not only of how to use Xacta, but also to gain an appreciation of why and how compliance with government and industry risk assessment processes is beneficial to an organization in the short- and long-term. 

Telos Training Options:

Classroom training focuses on interactive learning, offering students hands-on labs with an instructor that walks them through the use of the Xacta suite. Courses are held on location at Telos’ headquarters near Washington, D.C., via webinar, or on-site at your location (with a minimum of 10 participants).

Our Computer Based Training (CBT) library is a comprehensive learning tool that gives our Xacta customers the flexibility of offering on-demand training directly embedded within their Xacta deployment. The CBT centers on the features and functionality of our Xacta 360™ and Xacta.io™ applications.

Xacta Training Offerings

  • Xacta 360 User Training Course

    This course is a three-day program providing an overview of Xacta 360 from the user perspective. Professionals with a role in their organization’s Assessment and Authorization process (A&A) or other security assessment processes using Xacta 360 should attend. Lessons include lecture and hands-on labs.

    The following topics are covered through lectures and extensive hands-on labs:

    • Project Templates and Workflow: Explain the role of a project template and how Xacta 360 can be configured to integrate an approval process as required tasks are completed.
    • Getting Started in Xacta 360: Navigation and common interface features of the application.
    • Publishing Documentation: Introduce the publishing function and how organizations use the publishing feature to produce required documentation.
    • Information Gathering: Collect and enter high-level data about your system such as system boundary, data types, and component groups. Import your system’s equipment inventory.
    • Requirements Definition: Choose the security regulations and applicable requirements for your system. Learn how to establish common control inheritance. Record the implementation status of your applicable controls.
    • Validation: Develop and review a test plan.
    • Risk Analysis: Document risk analysis and a corresponding plan of action.
    • Monitor: Continuously monitor and document changes to your system after the initial assessment.


  • Xacta.io User Training Course

    This one day course focuses on the general operation of Xacta.io. You will earn how Xacta.io ingests security data at scale for robust cyber risk situational awareness and management, as well as how it correlates results from third party security products into a single view and maps to the relevant IA controls for your system.

    The following topics are covered through lectures and extensive hands-on labs:

    • Getting Started: Introduction to Xacta.io application interface features and navigation techniques.
    • Asset Management: Overview of importing system asset data collected from third party security products and the various functions available to manage your system asset inventory in Xacta.io.
    • Vulnerability Management: How to analyze vulnerability and control compliance data imported from third party security products.
    • Xacta.io Dashboard: Overview of data visualization functionality present in the Xacta.io application allowing for real-time system asset and compliance monitoring.
    • Working with Xacta 360: How Xacta 360 and Xacta.io integrate to share project and system data.

    For legacy users of the Xacta Continuum® application, we will continue to schedule training engagements approximately once a quarter.

  • Xacta Computer Based Training (CBT)

    Xacta customers who purchase our Computer Based Training (CBT) library will have the ability to offer on-demand training videos to their Xacta application users.

    The CBTs center on the features and functionality provided by Xacta 360 and Xacta.io. Each CBT consists of several courses that facilitate the workflow of the applicable product using tutorials and demonstrations. Participants will be provided with prerequisite courses that teach the basics of how to use the Xacta application. In addition to providing instructions on accomplishing specific tasks, the courses provide participants with an overall feel for how the application is intended to be used.

    The Xacta 360 User Course library contains five core courses, plus an additional series of videos available on-demand to demonstrate how to work within your tasks and complete the sub-tasks in your project template. These videos are embedded within the application and can be accessed by any user of the application. The Xacta 360 CBT library can be tailored to follow a customer’s specific Assessment and Authorization process or project workflow.

    The Xacta.io CBT library contains five core courses, covering core user functionalities of our Xacta.io product, such as how to manage your system asset inventory or create remediation plans from vulnerabilities in your security boundary. The Xacta.io CBT library can be embedded in the Xacta.io application for easy access to video courses on how to use our Xacta.io product.

    For more information regarding CBTs, please contact your Telos account representative or Telos project manager. General inquiries can be made to training@telos.com.

    Xacta 360 CBTs can be embedded into the Xacta 360 application for easy access from within the context-sensitive help files.

    CBTs demonstrate how users can work within each application and complete the necessary steps to thoroughly assess their systems in a central repository.








    CBTs will also discuss the concepts of Xacta as a cyber risk management and compliance platform to give learners a better understanding how Xacta works.

    Xacta.io CBTs can also be launched from within the application to easily learn how to use the features of Xacta.io.










  • Cancellation Policy

    If you are unable to attend the class for which you have registered, please contact our Training Services staff by e-mail at training.registrar@telos.com or by phone at 1-800-444-9628 or 1-703-724-3800 at least five business days prior to the class session to reschedule. Participants providing less than three business days notice of unavailability for the class in which they were registered will forfeit the Training Credit Units/registration fee associated with that class.

    Telos reserves the right to cancel classes due to low registration (5 students or less). In the event that Telos cancels a class session, a Training Services representative will contact each registered participant via e-mail and/or telephone as soon as possible but not less than five business days prior to the class session. Participants of canceled class sessions will be offered a seat in the next available class. Telos will not be liable for any expenses associated with its cancellation of classes.

Upcoming Class Schedule

Xacta 360:

March 25 – 27, 2025 (Webinar)

May 20 – 22, 2025 (Webinar)


April 9, 2025 (Webinar)

To register for classes, please use the form below.

Open Market rate for all courses is $500 per day.  GSA rates are available for eligible customers.

Training Registration Request

If you have any questions about registering or about the training in general, please email training.registrar@telos.com and we will be happy to help.