Organizational Messaging

Secure messaging with Automated Message Handling System

Support for Organizational Messaging Service (OMS) and Information Transport Service (ITS) messaging as well as agency-specific protocols

Web-based client for rapid and convenient access to messaging systems

Routes incoming messages to the right desktop and creates an archive of all arriving traffic for future reference

Content-based message routing and certified delivery to the right desktop for immediate action

Support for DoD and Intelligence Community (IC) security marking requirements

No need for client software or Exchange servers

AMHS provides maximum efficiency for secure organizational messaging for your command or agency.

The Telos® Automated Message Handling System (AMHS) is a cost-efficient Web-based solution that provides access to the full spectrum of organizational messaging systems and protocols in a single application.

Developed to work with OMS, ITS and other messaging sources, Telos AMHS greatly simplifies configuration management, system administration, and customer interface to the DoD record messaging system. The same solution also handles non-legacy messages, including SMTP email and news wire services as well as a number of agency-specific formats and protocols.

Multiple layers of security and privacy protection; accredited to meet ICD-503

Create, coordinate, and send messages — free text or using USMTF

Rapid search and retrieval of messages and attachments from a central repository including search within attachments

Retrospective search to review message traffic history related to specific past missions and projects

The Right Message, to the Right User, at the Right Time. 

Telos AMHS immediately routes incoming messages to the right desktop and creates an archive of all arriving traffic for future reference. AMHS also provides intuitive tools for searching and retrieving messages from the archive while protecting against unauthorized access. In addition, AMHS provides an easy way to create, coordinate, and release outgoing messages.

Comprehensive auditing capabilities with full audit trail

Easy-to-use profiling wizards; users can maintain their own profiles

Simple implementation, administration, and use so personnel can focus on their primary tasks

Segregation of organizations and users

AMHS routes messages by content, independently or in conjunction with the organizational recipient’s LDAP display name. This routing method ensures that users get all the messages relevant to the users’ activities, and none that aren’t. AMHS users can quickly search millions of messages in their organization’s message databases, including attachments, to support changing message requirements.

Remote system administration

Public key enabled

Fast failover /recovery

Low cost per user

AMHS: Backed by DISA for OMS

AMHS is the premier automated message handling system adopted by DISA as part of the core Operational Messaging Service offering. That means DISA fully stands behind the ability of AMHS to operate over the entire spectrum of the OMS environment — both today and tomorrow as OMS evolves.

AMHS is certified by the OMS Program Management Office, thoroughly tested in the prime system integrator’s laboratory, and completes the entire FISP (Functionality, Interoperability, Security, and Performance) process before fielding.

Add it all up — power, simplicity, security, and lower cost — and Telos AMHS is the ideal solution for your enterprise messaging needs. Join the dozens of commands and agencies around the world currently using Telos AMHS and take control of your organizational messaging quickly and easily.

AMHS provides a web browser-based solution that simplifies and reduces the cost of enterprise messaging management.

  • Deployed by Security-conscious Agencies Worldwide

    Telos AMHS supports over 70 organizations around the world, including the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff, all Combatant Commands, the US Army, US Marine Corps, US Air Force, and multiple Defense Agencies, as well as several IC agencies. It is accredited to meet security control baselines in accordance with ICD 503.

    Outside of the DoD, the AMHS is used by DHS, DEA, the Dept. of Commerce, and the American Red Cross. An export version of AMHS is currently being made operational in Canada for the Ministry of National Defence and is also available for sales to other non-U.S. customers.

  • Telos AMHS for the Intelligence Community

    Telos AMHS Information Transport Service (ITS) allows the services, Intelligence Community and other government customers to leverage their existing investments in secure messaging for reliable, secure command, and control-related information exchange. It meets current and proposed requirements for official messaging standards, making it ideal to support all official messaging requirements. It offers support for tactically deployed organizations through AMHS ITS JWICS interface.

    AMHS interfaces with the Legacy Translation Gateway (LTG) and with the Cross Domain Gateway (CDG) controlled interface between JWICS and SIPRNET.

    Advantages of AMHS ITS: Nothing changes except productivity (up) and costs (down)

    Existing Web Client

    • All existing AMHS functionality maintained – search, profiling, DAC, etc.

    Existing User Training

    • Nothing required by readers
    • Five-minute refresher/update for ITS drafters/releasers

    Existing Server Hardware

    • Reuse legacy systems for simplicity and cost-effectiveness

    Existing Software

    • Enhancement to the existing AMHS OMS / legacy code base

    Existing DoD PKI Infrastructure

    Existing Functionality

    • Still use OMS / legacy while also using ITS
    • No hard cut-over

    Existing Historical Data Store

    • No data import or migration

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